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Emily S

Reader, writer, teacher, librarian...

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The Goldfinch
Donna Tartt
The Testing
Joelle Charbonneau
Carol Goodman
As You Turn Away
Molli Moran
Heir of Fire
Sarah J. Maas
Trickster's Girl - Hilari Bell I'm still not sure where I stand on this one. There are some elements that I really liked and some that kind of threw me.

I'm a huge fan of the fact that even though Raven is this to-die-for bit of hotness, Kelsa doesn't fall head-over-heels for him and vow to give her life in his cause. I really like that she stays true to herself and fights the fight for her own reasons and not someone else's. I like that she can see through his hotness to the fact that HE'S NOT HUMAN. I think that's a missing element in a lot of YA fiction these days.

I loved the setting, even though I'm SO not the outdoorsy type. I feel right at home in the concrete jungle, thank you very much. The book starts out in my old stomping grounds in Provo, Utah. That place will always hold a special spot in my heart. I had some good times there. I was thrilled to see Trickster's Girl start out there. Some of the locations mentioned were very familiar to me and I know I've been in the museum spoken of. That was cool. Plus, they travel through Southeastern Idaho, and that's where I'm from. So coolness to have a book set in my home area!

I didn't like the ending. It was too abrupt to me, and too set up for a sequel. Mind you, I'll be reading the sequel as soon as it comes out. I *need* to know what happens to the leys, to Raven & Kelsa, and to the unsuspecting boy at the end. Plus, there's the whole messy relationship bit with Kelsa and her mom, and I'd love to see if that plays out in a sequel.

I labeled it as dystopia, even though it doesn't really fit the dystopia genre bill exactly. There are definitely some elements that do (the whole controlled-to-some-extent society going on, the restrictions, etc.) So I liked that part, considering that I'm really getting into dystopian fiction now.

It'll definitely appeal to YA fans, though some might be disappointed at the lack of romance. That was a breath of fresh air for me.

I'm still digesting my feelings on this, and so it gets a 'Hmmm' rating. It'll be getting another read through, for sure, because I want to really dig into my feelings.